Sometimes, when God speaks it is a lightning bolt moment. I have had a few of those in my life and this one is in regards to reading my Bible.
When I was a new mom, I knew I needed to read my Bible more. I hadn’t been in a practice of reading my Bible consistently as an adult, or really ever, but I had started to get a good streak. However, there was one night where it was late and I was really tired. I was brushing my teeth and praying (because single-tasking isn’t easy for me) and I said, “God forgive me for not reading the Bible today. I’m just so tired I just don’t have time, will you forgive me?” and you know what he said?
“You’re still awake.“
I knew I’d been caught. I was making excuses for disobedience, while I still had a chance to obey. It shocked me like a lightning bolt. So I took out my Bible with sleep-droopy eyes and a guilty, caught, spanked conscience and read a chapter in my Bible and then went to sleep.
And the crazy thing is that obedience paid off and that staying up later – even just by two minutes to read the Bible – helped me feel more rested than I would have if I had just gone to sleep. I know that two minutes isn’t much but some days that’s all I’ve got! No matter how little or how much I read, it is always worth it to obey the call to read my Bible and pray every day.
In the busy seasons, I often forget to pray through my day and my prayer life – instead of being praises to God and thanking him for his goodness – turns into “Save me! I’m drowning! I can’t handle today, God! Take it from me!”
While He honors both of those types of prayers, my life is so much sweeter and richer without having to be rescued from my life on a daily basis. Instead, to be walking together through the day, and not have that period of separation from trying to “do it myself” and taking it on and trying to control it. I’d rather be holding my rope and God’s have at the same time instead of getting to the end of my rope before reaching for God.
I know that God handles my day way better than I ever would. It is human to try to control things. It is also human to not do things as well as God does.
So what excuse you have for not reading your Bible today? If you’re reading this you’re awake. No more excuses. Go open your Bible. Pray over your day, not to check off a mental box, but to walk in sweet communion with God. You won’t ever regret taking the time to meet with your Creator.
Suggested Starts
If you don’t know where to start, read the daily proverb, so whatever date it is today, read that chapter proverbs. If you want the easiest read of Jesus’ ministry, start in the book of John. Maybe you really want some history and epic stories, I love reading first and second Kings; I know that story starts in first Samuel but first and second Kings read like an epic novel and it’s so cool to see God use people who may have ordinarily been overlooked.